Is a precious thing, what other things are precious to you?
- Your health? – when you are unwell you see a doctor who is regulated.
- Your possessions? – your insurance company is regulated.
- Your children’s education? – is regulated by Ofsted
How about your business critical data and equipment?
- What precautions do you take to safeguard these when you rely on them so much to successfully run and grow your business?
- How would your business continue to function if you were unable to access your data systems and communications equipment?
- What if your building is burgled, flooded or burnt to the ground with all your computer equipment inside? Would you be able to rebuild that history, customer contacts and billing data while keeping your business running and growing?
Without having all this information backed up securely along with a crisis management plan in place; your business does not stand a chance. In the same way that your possessions, your money and your children’s education are precious you should not take for granted that they are well looked after.
It is essential that whoever you choose to host your data with, that you are confident in the company and that they have reputable data standards with ISO27001 certification and/or FISMA and G-Cloud. The ISO27001 certification covers all security threats (this includes physical and electronic, as well as taking into account the building and environment).
Other standards include, FISMA – a US standard based around suitability and security of data for “public service” and UK Government G-Cloud – a newly established program that tests and scores ICT products against UK Standards. It also produces a residual risk statement should you wish to use that specific product; this is useful in assessing its fitness for purpose against your existing ICT infrastructure.
Using products such as Google Apps for Business set-up and/or our secure offsite backup systems, we can help you to keep your data safe and develop a range of action plans to deal with the many ‘what if’ scenarios so that “if the worst does happen: the very worst will not happen”.